Post Thanksgiving 2014


We hope that your Thanksgiving was bountiful  as was ours. We had a wonderful dinner banquet hosted by all the Escapee’s here at Saguaro SKP park in Benson, AZ.

The Banquet Hall was festively set up with 7 Long tables, each sitting 18 guests.  At the end of each long table there was 2 serving tables.  The food was ‘pot luck’ style, the assignments having been made by a table chairperson.  The result  was wonderful warm food accompanied by great fellowship.

Leftovers?  Oh yeah, we did those for Friday lunch.  And than it was gone!

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We’ve rented a storage area for 2 months to hold our ‘stuff’ during our flooring replacement as well as our Connecticut trip.  I’m also stuffing it with donations to bring to Kino Bay in February.

Renada is a most pleasant lady we meet at dinner.  She is German and has been traveling the North & South America continents for 5 years in here motorhome.

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More work this coming week, there’s always something the will keep me out of mischief.

Happy Thanksgiving 2014


Happy Thanksgiving from Benson, AZ.  My picture is a blast from our past.  Members of the Connecticut Chapter of The National Camping Travels are shown slow roasting about 8 turkeys for our annual fall ‘Turkey Roast’.  This annual event usually brings together about 150 Masonic Families from around New England.  The ladies cook the side dishes and the dinner is served buffet style. 

The next day all the left over turkey is the basis for our ‘must Go’ soup.  Why ‘Must Go’?  Most of us are done camping for the year.  Left over food stuffs Must Go into the soup.  In truth, it is more like a stew which is wonderful in the crisp autumn air.



Holidays take on a different form with our lifestyle.  It is best that we be with a group that has the same goals and agendas that we do.  We usually spend Christmas holidays with our friends in Georgetown Texas.  This year, we will miss them, as we travel to Connecticut to visit family & friends there.

Thanksgiving this year we will be having dinner at the clubhouse here at the about 150 folks in the   Saguaro SKP Park.  8 Tables of 18 members have been arranged so that each table will be it’s own mini-potluck.  There will be plenty of food and fellowship.  I hope to post photos tomorrow.

The evening here have been diving down into the mid 30’s.  I’ve added an ‘Extend-a-stay’ to our propane system.  A motorhome has one large tank for propane.  This allows us about 2 months use in warm weather.  In cold weather we could blow thru it in about 2 weeks.  The Extend-a-Stay allows us to use a 30 pound bottle which is very easy to fill.

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The sun has just gone down leaving us be very thankful for all the joys were have been able to share.

On Route to Benson, AZ 2014



We left Pomona on Tuesday morning, had an easy 250 mile jaunt to Quartzite where we boon docked for the night.  I took this picture at about 6:30 am shortly after sunrise.  We will drive to Benson today, continuing making plans for a Connecticut trip during which time the coach will remain is Tucson getting new floors and carpet.

While in Pomona, we went to the Friday qualifying season of The Winternationals.  Sill expensive ($46 x 2 = 1 $18 beer) as most professional sports are, I enjoyed myself as most of my favorite qualified well.  I use a scanner to keep track of events, Anne-Marie brings her Kindle!

DSCN0750On Sunday, we went to the Richard Nixon Presidential Museum.  A very nice facility and worth a few hours to walk thru the seamy history of that era.


We are on to Benson, more new to follow.


We get a nice piece of Glass 2014

We continue to have a very difficult time with the software the I write our Blog with.  I am limited in that I must be ableDSCN0717 to write it off line and post when I have i-net.  M/S WORD worked fine, the last several weeks it has had formatting errors and has refused to post and lost some of them.

As you can see, my ‘new’ Dahon bicycle fits  with room to spare in one of our luggage compartments along with my brain bucket.

We left Benson, AZ on Wednesday and Boon docked in the secure parking lot of RV Glass in Phoenix, 176 miles.  We were scheduled to repair the fogged driver’s window(s) on our coach.  They are thermo-pane and become ‘fogged’ with age.  The fog is actually dust that seeps by a broken seal.  We had 4 repaired at a cost of almost $1,000.  The process is time consuming as the window assemblies are removed from coach, disassembled, cut apart with a hot knife, cleaned and resealed before being reinstalled.  It took 2 men 6 hours, they look great!  The window on the work table is the 3 piece drivers window.


We are going to have the Driver’s Windshield repaired as it’s cracked.  Glass was not in stock, they will meet up with us in Quartzite in January.

A big treat for me here, we are 275 miles from Pomona which is the site of the final NHRA fuel meet of the year.  We have reservations at an AOR resort that is about 40 miles away.  We will go for Friday qualifying which is still pretty spendy, it will quench my desire this year.